Last updated
Last updated
Open QuickIcon Editor from the Tools menu:
The QuickIcon Editor Window can be kept separate or drag and dropped into your UI
Drag and drop an asset you would like to capture either from Hierarchy or from Project so the preview section gets enabled:
Rotate or zoom the preview by holding the left mouse button over the preview until you are satisfied with the result.
When you are satisfied with the result, press the Capture Object button at the bottom of the menu.
Locate the created sprite and png in the correct default folder:
Use the resulting Sprite and PNG image as needed.
QuickIcon has a lot more configurable settings for details please check the next sections. To highlight the most important settings you can use:
Multi object selection capability
Different background modes (Scene, Solid Color, Transparent)
Resolution settings
Export format configuration (Sprite, png, jpg, tga)
Output Folder configuration