
Quick Icon Pro was created to make icon / thumbnail creation easy in Unity!

This is an Editor plugin, everything runs without using play mode in your own scene.

The main idea behind quick icon is to create pictures or sprites from any kind of 3d model with easy customization. This process consists of the following main steps:

  1. In Preview an interactive rotatable and zoomable view will be displayed of your current focused gameobject, the preview appears after you select a gameobject.

  2. Select GameObject(s) you would like to capture by drag and dropping the assets / prefabs from hierarchy or project view. There is also an option for selecting multiple objects

  3. Input Settings is used for configuring all camera related properties: rotation, zoom, background (using current background from your scene, single color or transparent), object focus and the resolution for the capture process.

  4. Output Settings enable you to set the format of your output (Sprite, and common image formats [png, jpg, tga] are supported) and to locate the output folder where the captures will be placed.

  5. Capture Object button can be used to save the selected object.

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