Code description
This is the soul of the asset, all of the non-UI logic is in this class.
When QuickIconEditor instantiates the QuickIcon class, the creator class is assigned as creator.
PrepareScene() is called during the GUI creation (controlled by QuickIconEditor.cs), sets up the necessary layers (if they do not exist yet) and creates the quickIcon camera, which will be used for all captures.
All of the logic functions are implemented here and called by QuickIconEditor.cs when GUI / other chages need it.
QuickIconEditor is the starting point for the asset, creates the GUI window and handles all GUI events.
The project was created with UI Toolkit, therefore the visual elements are described in the separate QuickIconEditor.uxml file.
In the CreateGUI section each visual sections finding and event creation is commented and ordered as they appear visually.
The other functions in this class handle all the necessary GUI changes and call logic from QuickIcon.cs.
This class is always assigned to the quickIcon camera asset and handles the rotation and zoom of the camera from the preview UI.
A utilities class, used only for cross-class enum definitions at the moment.
Last updated