Select GameObject(s)
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Enables the selection and capturing of one object at a time. This is the default mode, you can always return to it from multi select mode by pressing the Select single object button:
You can select an object by drag and dropping it to the Input Object field. Objects from the current scene hierarchy or models / prefabs from the project are all allowed to be dropped here.
In this mode, the selected object is always shown in the Input Object row.
The multi object mode can be enabled by clicking the Select multiple objects button.
The list is empty by default, to select objects drag and drop them from the Hierarchy or the Project view.
You can select multiple objects by holding the ctrl key in your Hierarchy / Project view and drop them together into Quick Icon or you can drop them one by one.
You can delete an object from the list of Gameobjects by selecting it and then clicking the minus (-) sign in the bottom right corner of the field.
The currently active object is always shown below the list between the navigation arrows.
To select a different object from the list use the left or right arrows.